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How to Join the CrewUpdated a year ago

One of the benefits of the Livingood Daily Lifestyle Membership is being a part of the four-week Challenge with other participants in the Facebook Crew! 

If you are not a Lifestyle Member yet, you can join here!

As part of the Crew, you'll see awesome testimonials and inspiring ideas shared each day, as well as receive the accountability and encouragement that comes from participating with others. You will also have direct access to the Coaches, who are available to answer your health and supplement questions.

Once you've become a Lifestyle Member, you can log in to the Member's Area from our store to join the Crew.  

  • Click Account
  • Log in with your email and password.  If you have not created or activated your account yet, you will need to do that before you can log in.
  • Click Members Area from the menu on the left-hand side of the page.
  • Once you are in the Members Area, click Join Challenge Group, then select whether you want to join the current Crew or the next one.  We recommend joining the upcoming Crew if the current Crew has been going for more than five days.
  • This will take you to the Crew on Facebook, where it will ask you to enter the email address associated with your account.
  • You're all set! Join in the conversations and enjoy!

Need more help? Watch how to join the crew here! 

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